
All Commanders Have Their Promotional Videos For Black Mage Patch in CMS

Akarium:Face the moment of destiny!
Demon&Demain:We end it here, Black Mage!

Orchid&Suu:Black Mage, I won't forgive you!
Magnus:However the weak struggle, it's worthless.
Lucid:You won't prevent the great one.
Von Lion:The cursed world is going to end.
Will:The moment to genesis is coming.
Hilla:The great one, the time has come.

Here are all the 10 commanders promotional videos with Chinese dubbing voice for this Black Mage patch in CMS.
Each commander has its dubber.
However, the official haven't annoucement who they are yet.
In addition, not only did the commanders' video release, there is also a short trailer for the patch, which was the advertisement used in Youtube and Korean TV.
It is added with Chinese dubbing voice as well.
Therefore, we can see that it was paid an effort for the patch in CMS, although the game is no longer popular now in China.



    玩家站在利益的一方,肆无忌惮地破坏游戏公平,而盛大同样也存在获利的需求,而更是站在义利观不确定上,有时任由工作室发展,有时以游戏环境为名进行大规模检测和封号。而由于义利观不正衍生的次生矛盾更加复杂,由于工作室的泛滥,企业有责任进行扼制,于是要发展检测系统,Black Cipher和NGS应运而生,但工作室也因检测系统的发展而发展,其外挂系统日益更新,为的就是减少利益上的损失。而由于长期以来形成的工作室泛滥局面,企业方必须采取供给上减少福利的办法,因而每逢有更新,一定有一部分内容遭到删减或调整,从而达到抑制的目的。但也因为福利削减,提高了玩家的游戏成本,进而使游戏体验感下降,产生了各种诉求和不满。


Hello everyone,I'm 49水君

Okay, I'm 49水君, a MapleStory player from Guangzhou,China. My main server is CMST and my main character is Zero. I've been playing MapleStory since July, 2005. The world I used to play is Monkey-Rabbit and Blackcrystal-Gold(Canton).
However, I began to turn to CMST and take no care of CMS in 2014. During these years, I spread the latest MapleStory information and gained a lot of friends, and there's still a long-term way for me because my business looks good but not good enough.
For this year, I've been looking for a better access to establish a platform to spread the latest information about MapleStory in order to attract both mainland China's and overseas players. Since 2014 when I started to post the first news about CMST, I've tried a lot of ways, like developing a forum named KMSFan Home held by my netizen KMSFan, the forum did very successfully in gathering fresh news from different servers although it was far less popular than Tieba. In addtion, the special plugins in the forum could really help better get into the circle, unfortunately it was due on May 10.
So now, I'll keep on trying to find a new way to spread the news no matter what it is in China or overseas.

The current available informative websites are as follow:

In this web, you'll see a lot of new-uploaded video reprinted from Youtube and a few videos transcribed by myself. In addition, you can read my translated articles in the Column and there're some dynamic message about myself in the Album. Hope you guys enjoy yourselves through the news!
  • Wechat's Public Account
In this platform, you're required to use Wechat and scan the QR code to enter the account. And this is the code, take out your phone to scan it!

After entering the account, you'll see a window where you can choose any kinds of news you'd like to know. Basically, I'll update the latest news once a week.

My Youtube has just begun no long ago. Actually, I still main CMST and sometimes upload some videos about myself. I do not frequently upload videos because the condition for transcibing my own videos is very limited, but I'll try to make a breakthrough. Once I'm available in playing overseas MapleStory, there'll be something new.